Testosterone Replacement Therapy

In order to treat symptoms of low testosterone, also known as male hypogonadism. Our specialized team of healthcare professionals at TestoThera will use a combination of medications. This involves the careful monitored use of testosterone and testosterone enhancing products.

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Natural testosterone reduction in men can occur, usually beginning around age 30. Low T can also be brought on by specific medical problems or even lifestyle choices.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

  • Diminishing Ability To Concentrate
  • Energy Levels
  • Fatigue
  • Weight Gain
  • Night Sweats
  • Mood Swings or Depression and Anxiety
  • Low Libido and Sex Drive
  • Reduced Strength
  • Difficulty achieving or maintaining a powerful erection
  • Hairloss
  • Increased Breast Size
  • Loss Of Muscle Mass
  • Urinary Issues

What Are The Benefits Of Testosterone?

Take charge of your health. Your quest to obtain optimal health begins at TestoThera.

  • Stop your end of day fatigue
  • Boost your sexual wellness
  • Enhance your critical thinking ability and concentration
  • Start seeing the results youve been looking for in the gym
  • Melt away the stubborn belly fat
  • Find your inner Alpha and start going the distance

Its likely that if you have Low T symptoms, more than one element of your life is being badly impacted.” Change to: “Having Low T can affect many parts of your life. Dont let Low T stop you from living the life youve built

testosterone benefits

What are the side effects of testosterone replacement therapy?

No medication exist without side effects and testosterone is no different. Despite the fact that many side effects related to testosterone replacement therapy are rather uncommon. Working with TestoThera and the experienced medical professionals on staff will help you in avoiding those side effects related to your treatment.

low t symptoms men
  • Breast enlargement
  • Rashes
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Water retention (swollen ankles)
  • Liver issues
  • Pain at the site of injection or itchiness
low t symptoms women

At times we may recommended a visit with a specialist prior to starting your TRT program. This will be determined after your consultation with one of our specialists at TestoThera. Your health and fitness is our main priority. Testosterone replacement therapy is not just about raising your T levels, its about total body health and wellness.


Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Safe?

Although testosterone replacement therapy can be beneficial, there are certain risks you need to take into account first. Men who decide to take testosterone replacement therapy long-term may be at a higher risk of cardiovascular issues. Furthermore, according to Harvard, it is theorized that testosterone replacement therapy may also increase the risk of prostate cancer. However, the evidence regarding these risks is somewhat inconclusive. It ultimately depends on whether or not you believe the benefits outweigh the potential risks. 


What Are Candidacy Requirements For Receiving TRT?

Before anyone can qualify for testosterone replacement therapy, the doctor has to check three different factors: the cause, the symptoms, and your bloodwork results. The cause of low testosterone levels is primarily aging. If aging is the cause, then you should be eligible for testosterone replacement therapy.


However, if your low testosterone levels are the result of a medical condition, you may not be eligible for TRT. This does depend on the issue, so you may be able to treat it. Medication may also be the culprit of your low testosterone levels, but you will need to check with your doctor to see if you can stop taking it. 


Are There Different Types of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Yes, there are multiple ways you can get testosterone replacement therapy. You can apply a gel, get an injection, apply a patch, have it inserted through your nasal cavity, and even have surgically implanted pellets into your skin. It is best to check with your doctor to see which type of testosterone replacement therapy is right for you. 


Schedule an Appointment

Testosterone plays an important part in our bodies. If you have low testosterone levels, then testosterone replacement therapy might be the answer to your problem. Contact us at 346-202-6671 to schedule an appointment today! times we may recommended a visit with a specialist prior to starting your TRT program. This will be determined after your consultation with one of our specialists at TestoThera. Your health and fitness is our main priority. Testosterone replacement therapy is not just about raising your T levels, its about total body health and wellness.